[MacTUG] FW: Software Update - MacOS Big Sur & Safari 14.0.1

jjohnston at uwaterloo.ca jjohnston at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Nov 13 14:25:03 EST 2020


Posted yesterday, and it says:
AnyConnect 4.9.04043 (MR4) is now available which includes support for
macOS Big Sur & Apple Silicon.  This release is also available for
Windows & Linux. Please see release notes on configuring certain
macOS 11 ISE Posture & Host Scan checks prior to an update early next week.

Can we even support 4.9 clients with our current Cisco VPN service?

BTW, on my test Mac where it fails, I cannot even run the Cisco uninstaller
(it gets the same error as the VPN client itself).

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