[MacTUG] Tip for simple HEIC image conversion on Windows?

Aldo Caputo acaputo at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Mar 12 10:49:22 EDT 2020

This tool works well on a Mac and they have a Windows version too.



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From: MacTUG <mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca> on behalf of Keith Peck <kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca>
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 10:15 AM
To: "MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca" <MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: [MacTUG] Tip for simple HEIC image conversion on Windows?

Hi MacTUG,
Anyone have a relatively easy suggestion on how a Windows user can convert an HEIC image (taken by an iPhone) to a more common JPG image?

Windows does not natively support the .HEIC format.


There is a free Windows application called “Irfanview” that I have used on my home PC for many years and that has a plugin to make the conversion.

The department has a couple of iMacs in a student lab that I can visit and set up an account for the staff member to make use of – and that I’ll likely be doing once I complete this email - but this might not be the best long-term solution as some departments don’t have access to Mac OSX computers.

This is to try to help a staff member on a managed PC, and IST doesn’t currently have the Irfanview package available for deployment. I’m going to test and confirm that Irfanview will work to convert HEIC to JPG, and if so see if IST can get a package together – but that will take a few days to get through the process.


Keith Peck
Computing Consultant, Client Services,
Information Systems and Technology
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1.
EC2 2126B, (519) 888-4567 x.47770
kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca>
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