[MacTUG] Initial Call for Proposals: WatITis Conference 2020

Watitis Committee watitis at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jun 3 10:00:06 EDT 2020


Initial Call for Proposals:
WatITis Conference 2020

An IT conference made for you, by you!

We are pleased to announce the 18th annual WatITis conference will be held on Tuesday December 8th, 2020. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about campus systems and technology. Don't miss it!

We encourage and invite all staff members at UW to actively participate as a speaker, panel participant or poster presenter. This conference is made for you, by you!

Interested in being a presenter? Submit a proposal, we'd love to hear from you!

  *   500 word limit
  *   Indicate your desired session length (20 minutes or 45 minutes)
  *   Indicate the technical level
     *   100 - low technical level
     *   200 - medium technical level
     *   300 - high technical level

You may be asked to attend a brief speaker meeting prior to the conference to discuss presentation materials, expectations and logistics. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, this conference may be held online. WatITis may be held in-person if it is safe to do so according to the guidelines set by the University.

Submission Deadline

Please submit a brief synopsis of your topic or idea for presentations, panels, or posters to watitis2020 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:watitis2020 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca> by June 24, 2020.


If you have any questions, please contact Dana Mohapl (d2mohapl at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:d2mohapl at uwaterloo.ca>) or Shah Chandon (shah.chandon at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:shah.chandon at uwaterloo.ca>).

To learn more about WatITis, please visit: uwaterloo.ca/watitis<https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis/>.

Thank you and we look forward to your participation!

Submit a proposal<mailto:watitis2020 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca?subject=WatITis%20presentation>

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