[MacTUG] Newton vs. iPad - New iPad Handwriting Features Borrow from the 90's Newton - YouTube

Marlon Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 29 10:04:42 EDT 2020

A trip down memory lane.

00:00 - Intro
00:42 - My Newton Collection Show and Tell
08:36 - Newton vs. iPad : Handwriting
09:53 - Newton vs. iPad : Shapes
11:55 - Smart Newton features: handwriting correction
12:45 - Smart features: Newton Assistant
14:41 - Newton faxing and emailing
16:51 - iPad: Advanced hand writing features in iPad OS 14 beta
19:47 - Supporter thank yous
20:22 - Week in review
23:50 - Other channels & Conclusion


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