[MacTUG] Catalina issues with MS Office 16.33.0

Keith Peck kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jan 30 16:37:08 EST 2020

I get frequent inquiries from staff who are seeing an error message from Office (Outlook / Word / Excel / PowerPoint) that they don’t have permission to save files to the Desktop.

Every time Apple puts out a Mac OSX update there’s a risk that MS-Office applications won’t save files to the Desktop.

I am running MS-Office 16.35 (20012902) = 2020-Jan-29 = Office Insider Fast version.

With PowerPoint open go to “Help” on the menu, then “Check for Updates” from the drop-down menu.

When the Microsoft Autoupdate window appears click on the “Advanced” button and for the Update Channel select “Insider Slow”

The choices are: (1) Production,  (2) Insider Slow, (3) Insider Fast.

- Production is a 2-week delay from the MS-update release until the update will show up as available on the channel.
- Insider Slow is a 1-week delay from the MS-update release until the update will show up as available on the channel.
- Insider Fast  receives MS-updates immediately when they are available – but occasionally it breaks things so only someone who’s prepared to troubleshoot or re-install Office should really be running on this stream.

Going to the slow stream from the default of production will advance you from 16.33 to 16.34 and hopefully fix the problem.

Another option is to save to a location other than your Desktop, e.g. save to your home folder, then move the file from your home folder to the desktop via Finder or drag and drop outside of the MS application.


From: <mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca> on behalf of Glenn Anderson <anderson at uwaterloo.ca>
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 1:34 PM
To: Devon Merner <devon.merner at uwaterloo.ca>
Cc: "MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca" <MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Re: [MacTUG] Catalina issues with MS Office 16.33.0

I am not sure how useful this test is…

I have Catalina 10.15.2 and Powerpoint 16.33 and created and saved some PPT document, opened a couple made changes and saved. No problems.

If you want you can send me one of the PPT documents that is causing problems and I will try it out.

- Glenn

On Jan 30, 2020, at 12:47 PM, Devon Merner <dmerner at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:dmerner at uwaterloo.ca>> wrote:

Has anyone encountered any issues with MS Office (more specifically, Powerpoint) hanging when using Catalina and the latest MS Office for Mac?

I’m still running 10.15.2 (from a fresh install, not an upgrade) and Office 16.33.0 and noticed that Powerpoint would hang every time a presentation was saved.  It seems like it saves the “recovered” copy properly under ~/Library/Containers but doesn’t save properly to the final location (e.g my Desktop).

A user online mentioned that this might be a font related issue but I wasn’t sure if anyone else had encountered it.
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