[MacTUG] Installing Fonts with MacOSX 10.15 Catalina has changed

Keith Peck kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 28 12:05:58 EST 2020

In case anyone is interested…
Installing fonts with Mac OSX 10.15 Catalina has changed ‘slightly’ from the previous Mac OS methods.

When preparing a machine (pre-Catalina) I used to install fonts ahead of time by opening Font Book, modifying the Preferences to install as “Computer” (instead of the default “User”) and then adding the fonts.

[A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generated]

What I have found with Catalina is that the fonts will not install when “Computer” is selected.

Font Book no longer has write permissions to the Library/System folder where the font files are saved.

There are 2 options:

  1.  Go back to installing the fonts with the Font Book Preferences set for “User” when the user is signed on.
     *   Simple, but then limits when you can install fonts, and only the user who installed the fonts can use them.

  1.  Make a change on the system to allow “fontmover” to have Full Disk Access.
     *   Open System Preferences, then click “Security & Privacy”, then click the “Privacy” tab.
     *   Click the lock icon at lower-left and type in your admin password to allow changes.
     *   Scroll down to “Full Disk Access” in the left option list.
     *   Click the plus icon at right to add an app to have access rights set up:
     *   Navigate to the fontmover folder:
        *   /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support/fontmover
     *   Click “Open” to finish selecting the app and have it appear in the right-hand list.
     *   Close System Preferences.
     *   Open Font Book and you can now install fonts as “Computer”.
     *   Return to Security & Privacy and remove fontmover from having Full Disk Access after the fonts have been installed (or not if you view this as low risk.)

[A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generated]

Keith Peck
Computing Consultant, Client Services,
Information Systems and Technology
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1.
EC2 2126B, (519) 888-4567 x.47770
kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca>
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