[MacTUG] Running recoverydiagnose in macOS Recovery | Der Flounder

Marlon Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Aug 7 12:37:08 EDT 2020

Most Mac admins, especially those who file bug reports or who work with 
AppleCare Enterprise, are familiar with running the sysdiagnose tool to 
gather diagnostic information about a Mac they’re working on. Running 
sysdiagnose will trigger a large number of macOS’s performance and 
problem tracing tools and use their reports to assemble what amounts to 
a snapshot of your Mac’s complete state at the time you ran the 
sysdiagnose tool, which can be very useful to developers trying to trace 
down why a particular problem is occurring.

However, this tool only applies to a Mac’s regular OS. What if the 
problem you’re seeing is in the macOS Recovery environment? In that 
case, you can run the recoverydiagnose tool in macOS Recovery to gather 
similar data specifically for macOS Recovery-related problems. For more 
details, please see below the jump.


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