[MacTUG] The 'S' in Zoom, Stands for Security

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 1 15:39:50 EDT 2020

uncovering (local) security flaws in Zoom's latest macOS client


Today, we uncovered two (local) security issues affecting Zoom’s macOS 
application. Given Zoom’s privacy and security track record this should 
surprise absolutely zero people.

First, we illustrated how unprivileged attackers or malware may be able 
to exploit Zoom’s installer to gain root privileges.

Following this, due to an ‘exception’ entitlement, we showed how to 
inject a malicious library into Zoom’s trusted process context. This 
affords malware the ability to record all Zoom meetings, or, simply 
spawn Zoom in the background to access the mic and webcam at arbitrary 
times! 😱

The former is problematic as many enterprises (now) utilize Zoom for 
(likely) sensitive business meetings, while the latter is problematic as 
it affords malware the opportunity to surreptitious access either the 
mic or the webcam, with no macOS alerts and/or prompts.

""" macos

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