[MacTUG] Managing macOS Catalina’s FileVault 2 with fdesetup | Der Flounder

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Oct 18 16:12:54 EDT 2019

Since its initial release in OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.x, Apple’s main 
tool for managing FileVault 2 encryption has been fdesetup. With the 
transition from managing Core Storage-based encryption on HFS+ to 
managing the native encryption built into Apple File System completed, 
this well-developed toolset continues to be Apple’s go-to tool for 
enabling, configuring and managing FileVault 2 on macOS Catalina.

With its various functions, fdesetup gives Mac administrators the 
following options for managing FileVault:

     Enable or disable FileVault 2 encryption on a particular Mac
     Use a personal recovery key, an institutional recovery key, or both 
kinds of recovery key.
     Enable one or multiple user accounts at the time of encryption
     Get a list of FileVault 2-enabled users on a particular machine
     Add additional users after FileVault has been enabled
     Remove users from the list of FileVault enabled accounts
     Add, change or remove individual and institutional recovery keys
     Report which recovery keys are in use
     Perform a one-time reboot that bypasses the FileVault pre-boot login
     Report on the status of FileVault 2 encryption or decryption


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