[MacTUG] Update: Wireless network service degraded - November 28

Carol Lu c52lu at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Nov 29 09:29:57 EST 2019

Update: Maintenance was performed on the wireless infrastructure between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. this morning. There have been no new reports of network performance issues. IST will continue to monitor the situation.

Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca> or ext. 44357.

Carol Lu
Computing Consultant, Digital Communications
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 40280

From: Carol Lu
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2019 11:16 AM
To: UWweb at lists.uwaterloo.ca; isthd at lists.uwaterloo.ca; faccus at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ist-staff at lists.uwaterloo.ca; admin-support at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ctsc at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ucist at lists.uwaterloo.ca; mactug at mailman.uwaterloo.ca; MSC MarComm; SSO Digital Communications; Daily Bulletin; ist-news at lists.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Wireless network service degraded - November 28

What is happening? The campus wireless network is experiencing degraded service. Users may experience slow connection speeds or failure to connect to networks. IST is investigating the issue with the vendor.

Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca> or ext. 44357.

Recipients of this message: uwweb, isthd, faccus, ist-staff, admin-support, ctsc, ucist, mactug, MSC, SSO, Bulletin, ist-news

Carol Lu
Computing Consultant, Digital Communications
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 40280

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