[MacTUG] Regular Skype vs Skype for Business on macos

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 30 15:58:23 EDT 2019

Hi guys,

The short of this is after much troubleshooting, we discovered that 
skype for business on the mac can not access the regular user skype 
directory. It only has access to the UW skype user directory. However, 
under windows Skype for business does have the option to select the 
regular skype directory for a user.

An internet search indicated that this was a limitation on the mac 

Does anyone have a way for the mac skype for business client to connect 
to the regular user skype directory?

Note, we do know the workaround of using the regular skype mac client.

Marlon x38146

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