[MacTUG] Photoshop replacement mentioned on a podcast: Affinity Photo Review – Affinity Photo editing software

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jun 12 15:46:37 EDT 2019

I would tend to use opensource as well.

The person on the podcast felt these were good to replace a professional 
level of usage.


On 2019-06-12 3:30 PM, Dani Roloson wrote:
> Googl'ing Adobe alternatives provides numerous lists.
> Affinity also has Designer and Publisher.
> I tend to provide GIMP and Inkscape.
> Most people only need cropping, conversion,  and red-eye which Preview and Photos provide.
> ________________________________
> From: mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca <mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca> on behalf of Marlon A. Griffith <m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca>
> Sent: June 12, 2019 2:05:50 PM
> To: Mactug
> Subject: [MacTUG] Photoshop replacement mentioned on a podcast: Affinity Photo Review – Affinity Photo editing software
> This review seems comprehensive.
> """
> Pros
>       Great range of correctional tools
>       Superb basic editing functionality
>       Overlay layers allow you to easily edit specific parts of a photo
>       A range of useful pre-sets and editing filters to make quick edits
>       Batch editing tools available for bulk work
> Cons
>       No file management system – not easy to organize and catalog your work
>       Processing power could be improved when working with RAW files
> https://www.photoworkout.com/affinity-photo-review/
> [https://cdn.photoworkout.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/affinityPhotoReview-DetailsToolbar.jpg]<https://www.photoworkout.com/affinity-photo-review/>
> Affinity Photo Review – Affinity Photo editing software<https://www.photoworkout.com/affinity-photo-review/>
> www.photoworkout.com
> Affinity Photo Review – See what Affinity Photo has to offer as a photo editing program for Windows and MAC
> """
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