[MacTUG] Waterloo Photos: improved access and WCMS integration

Carol Lu c52lu at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 6 08:49:47 EDT 2019

What is happening? IST is pleased to announce the launch of two new Waterloo Photos features: On the fly access and Waterloo Content Management System (WCMS) integration.


On the fly access:

  *   The "on the fly" feature will allow Waterloo employees to access the Waterloo Photos service without needing to submit a request for access, and without needing to belong to an established (Waterloo Photos) org unit. On the fly access will allow these users to view assets that are in the View and Download Only access level (i.e. no restrictions on download and use).


WCMS integration:

  *   Digital assets from Waterloo Photos can now be added to many of the content types within the WCMS (e.g. Web page, Blog, Person profile) when using the Listing page image or Upload an image upload options in the supported content types.


For more information on Waterloo Photos, please visit https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/waterloo-photos.

For help using Waterloo Photos, please visit https://uwaterloo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/KB/ArticleDet?ID=56611#WCMS.


Questions or concerns? Please submit to rt-ist-waterloo-photos at rt.uwaterloo.ca<http://rt-ist-waterloo-photos@rt.uwaterloo.ca/>.

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Carol Lu
Computing Consultant, Digital Communications
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 40280

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