[MacTUG] Reminder: Removing UW Emerge from managed machines - November 27

Carol Lu c52lu at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Dec 9 13:45:09 EST 2019

What is happening? As noted in our November 21 message, the old desktop emergency notification tool, UW Emerge, was removed from all IST-managed machines (November 27). This is a reminder that IST will be using the UW Emerge client to send unmanaged and Mac machine owners a reminder to remove the old tool and install the appropriate version of the new WatSAFE desktop notification tool.

When is this happening? This reminder message will be sent via UW Emerge on the following dates:

  *   Tuesday, December 10, 2019

  *   Tuesday, January 7, 2020

  *   Thursday, January 28, 2020

Support: Support articles are available in IST’s Knowledge Base, https://uwaterloo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1804/Portal/KB/ (search WatSAFE desktop notification) and are also linked below:

  *   Mac client: https://uwaterloo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1804/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=85108
  *   Windows client: https://uwaterloo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1804/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=84925


If you manage a group of machines, you may request a package-based deployment version via Request Tracker (RT), https://rt.uwaterloo.ca/SelfService/Forms/IST-General/. 

Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca> or ext. 44357.

Recipients of this message: isthd, ist-staff, admin-support, ist-news, mactug, faccus, ctsc, ucist

Carol Lu
Computing Consultant, Digital Communications
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 40280

From: Carol Lu
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 10:38 AM
To: isthd at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ist-staff at lists.uwaterloo.ca; admin-support at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ist-news at lists.uwaterloo.ca; mactug at mailman.uwaterloo.ca; faccus at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ctsc at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ucist at lists.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Removing UW Emerge from managed machines - November 27

What is happening? The old desktop notification tool, UWEmerge, will be removed from all IST-managed Windows machines.

When is this happening? Wednesday, November 27.

What is the impact? No impact is expected as IST-managed Windows machines are already running the replacement tool, WatSAFE Desktop Notification.

For unmanaged or Mac machines: Please remove UWEmerge from your workstation and install the appropriate WatSAFE Desktop Notification client. Individuals who do not remove UWEmerge from their workstation may receive additional reminders to do so through the tool.

If you manage a group of machines, you may request a package-based deployment version via Request Tracker (RT), https://rt.uwaterloo.ca/SelfService/Forms/IST-General/. 

Support: Support articles are available in IST’s Knowledge Base, https://uwaterloo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1804/Portal/KB/ (search WatSAFE desktop notification) and are also linked below:

  *   Mac client: https://uwaterloo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1804/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=85108
  *   Windows client: https://uwaterloo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1804/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=84925

Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca> or ext. 44357.

Recipients of this message: isthd, ist-staff, admin-support, ist-news, mactug, faccus, ctsc, ucist

Carol Lu
Computing Consultant, Digital Communications
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 40280

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