[MacTUG] Mac Office 2019: Outlook can send email later, and calendar permissions appear to be fixed.

Keith Peck kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Sep 28 16:25:57 EDT 2018

Hi everyone,
This is an early report so there is still a chance that people may find bugs yet to be fixed, but there are two long-awaited improvements that are part of Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2019:

  1.  Send Your Email Message Later.
  2.  Calendar permissions now work as expected.

  *   Also, up front so the topic isn’t buried –it appears that synching of your INBOX is still an issue in Outlook 2019 for Mac if there are more than 5,000 messages in the Inbox folder of your Exchange account.
     *   The Outlook Web App or Outlook for Windows needs to be used to reduce the Inbox to be below 5,000 messages to fix the synching problem.

  1.  Send Your Email Message Later. When you launch Outlook 2019 (v16.17+) for the first time it will pop-up an alert about the new feature.
     *   Click the “Got it” button (or [esc] or [enter] keys to dismiss the pop-up.)

[cid:image001.png at 01D45747.EF4862A0]

     *   To use, when composing an email click on the small arrow at the right side of the “Send” button, and then click on the “Send Later…” option from the drop-down menu.

[cid:image002.png at 01D45747.EF4862A0]

     *   A “Choose time” window appears that allows you to modify the date and time.
[cid:image003.png at 01D45747.EF4862A0]

     *   Then click the “Send” button.
     *   A message set to send later will stay in your “Drafts” folder until the desired date/time. You can open and edit the message, or click the “Cancel Send” button any time prior to the message being sent.
[cid:image004.png at 01D45747.EF4862A0]

  1.  Calendar permissions now work as expected.
     *   In Outlook 2016 (v16.16 and older) when you were creating a calendar event you could only view details of other Exchange calendars if you had Editor rights (not a good thing to grant simply to allow someone else the ability to view your calendar), unless as the organizer you went one more step and opened the Scheduling Assistant.

                                         i.    With Outlook 2019 you can now view the availability in other calendars so long as you have basic viewing rights of “Free/Busy” which is the default permission for @connect.uwaterloo.ca Exchange users.

                                        ii.    Be aware that the calendar window view has changed slightly and to edit Calendar Permissions.

           *   In the lower portion of the left navigation list, click the arrow icon (>) at the left of your account name so that it points down.
           *   Then click on “Calendar” below your account name that is now visible so that it is active. At this point the “Calendar Permissions” button on the toolbar will change from greyed-out to being available.

[cid:image005.png at 01D45747.EF4862A0]

     *   Similarly, in Outlook 2016 for Mac viewing a shared resource also failed due to permission denied errors unless you had Editor or Owner permissions for the resource.

                                         i.    With Outlook 2019 for Mac it is possible to see the availability of resources (that you have permission to book) in the Scheduling view window. (screen capture not shared as the ones I have access to also have appointments for other people showing in them.)

There look to be additional Outlook Preferences available for Notifications and Sounds, Composing, and Rules (there is the ability to edit mailbox Rules that are on the server, or local client rules).

Last, searching looks to have been improved. As you type you will see suggestions for past searches, and contacts (your contacts and the Global Address List) similar to the way the Google search field will make suggestions while using a web browser and refine the results as you continue to type.

[cid:image006.png at 01D45747.EF4862A0]

Summary: I am cautiously optimistic about Outlook 2019, so far so good.

Keith Peck
Computing Consultant, Client Services,
Information Systems and Technology
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1.
EC2 2018E, (519) 888-4567 x.47770
kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca>

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