[MacTUG] You can't run Linux on Apple's 2018 Macs (thanks to the T2 security chip) - Liliputing : programming

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Nov 7 16:19:51 EST 2018

SatansAlpaca 38 points 2 hours ago

This conflates multiple issues. First is that T2 implements Secure Boot, 
and doesn’t trust certificates used by Linux distributions. This is a 
policy decision. It can be turned off by the end user without arcane 

The second issue is that T2 brokers access to a wide array of 
components, including storage, and it looks like it happens in a way 
that Linux doesn’t know how to deal with. This is a technical issue that 
can be resolved with Linux kernel work, most likely.


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