[MacTUG] Call for Papers Deadline Extended - WatITis 2018

Darren Bondy dmbondy at uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 24 13:37:49 EDT 2018

*** Important Announcement ***


The WatITis committee has announced that the deadline for submissions has been extended until :

Friday, June 29, 2018

Please see email below for topic and submission details.

[Image result for we want you images]

From: Darren Bondy
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 12:15 PM
Subject: Call for Papers - WatITis 2018

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Initial Call for Papers: WatITis Conference 2018
"An IT conference made for you, by you!"

We are happy to announce the 16th annual WatITis (Waterloo Information Technology and Information Systems) conference will be on Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 in the Science Teaching Centre (STC).

We invite you to actively participate as a speaker or panel presenter for one or more of our sessions during our 16th annual WatITis conference.  This conference is made for you, by you!


Topics include, but are not limited to, Teaching, Research, Institutional Support, New Projects, Initiatives, Developments or General Interest for UWaterloo staff, in the area of IT. We also invite you to submit your ideas for session topics of interest to other IT professionals.

20 or 45 Minute Talks Welcome!

Due to the success of the shorter talks last year, both 20 and 45 minutes presentations will be offered and we invite you to submit proposals in either format.

Submission Deadline

Please, submit a brief synopsis of your topic or ideas for presentations and/or panels to our program committee watitis2018 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:watitis2018 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca> by May 16th, 2018.

When submitting your proposals, remember to identify which session format you are interested in. You may be asked to attend a brief speakers meeting prior to the conference to discuss presentation materials, expectations and logistics.

If required, a second call for papers will be announced by June 11th.

Who to Contact

For more information, please contact our co-chairs Dana Mohapl (d2mohapl at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:d2mohapl at uwaterloo.ca>) or Jennifer Matheson (jenn.matheson at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:jenn.matheson at uwaterloo.ca>), or please visit: https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis<https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis/>

Thank you and looking forward to your participation!

On behalf of the WatITis 2018 Committee Members:

Jennifer Matheson
Craig McDonald
Kevin Paxman
Allan Fleming
Darren Bondy
Barb Yantha
Mike Nowakowski
Shah Chandon
Alison Hitchens

Dana Mohapl
Adam Savage
Mike Lackner
Ed Chrzanowski
Herbert Balagtas
Josh Schmiedchen
Pratik Patel
Maher Shinouda
Joe Allen
Nathan Lee

We apologize if you receive this message more than once. This message is being sent through your departmental mailing list. If you would like to continue to receive our mailings, please verify you are on our mailing list.

Darren Bondy
Information Systems and Technology
(519)888-4567 x49525
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

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