[MacTUG] Edu access to BBEDIT

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Tue May 8 13:47:07 EDT 2018

Hi gang
If any of you are users of Textwrangler (from Bare Bones) software, you will have noticed that they are shutting it down, trying to get users to use the awesome BBEdit. If you decide that the full version of BBEdit is too rich for your blood (my case), there is an education only ‘lite’ license available for BBEdit. This locks some of BBEdit’s features but makes it at least as good as TextWrangler. They call it “Basic Mode”

Thanks to Sandra Laughlin, we have access to this. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY AT UW!

To use it just download the BBEdit installer and enter a username: University of Waterloo and password : BEC120-DSXHM-YZJTJ-C8HE6

Again this is for EDU only and only licensed for University of Waterloo use.

Much of this will be obvious to many of you but according to Bare Bones, here is how you can mass deploy:
Depending on your own preferences and/or the capabilities of the management tool(s) you are using, you may either:

  1.  create a global preferences file which contains your institution's BBEdit serial number and then install this file onto each desired machine, or

  1.  directly issue the command necessary to create such a file on each desired machine.

You can generate such a file by issuing the following Terminal command:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.barebones.bbedit "BBEditSerialNumber:12.0" -string "ACTUAL_BBEDIT_SERIAL"

where "ACTUAL_BBEDIT_SERIAL" is your institution's actual BBEdit 12 serial number, enclosed in double quotes.

This command will create a standard application-specific prefs file which contains your institution's license code at the following location:


Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151
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