[MacTUG] This is a test of the emerge ... hold on ... it's here somewhere

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 5 16:38:06 EST 2018

Lovely page of non-functional links


UW Software Depot | UW Emerge<https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/download/package_info/uw_emerge.html>
Information Systems & Technology

I'm guessing this is from the Stone Age:


This might be it!!


University of Waterloo Emerge client for Mac OS/X | Information Systems & Technology | University of Waterloo<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/software-faculty-and-staff/licensed-software-university-waterloo/software-depot/university-waterloo-emerge/university-waterloo-emerge-client-mac-osx>
Introduction Emerge is one of several technologies the University of Waterloo will use to distribute messages in the event of an emergency. The emerge client program runs on client computers and keeps in contact with central servers.&nbsp; In the event of an emergency, an authorized person submits a message to be displayed on clients screens. In seconds, emerge servers distribute that message to emerge clients and the client systems automatically pop up a web browser to display the message. A client version is available for Macs.&nbsp; &nbsp;

So notice the Automator script is gone which is probably fine since it would just clean up from the really old version.

Next suggestion would be to not have a script in the Applications folder ... either put it under a very descriptive folder

such as "University of Waterloo Emerge client" or better still /usr/local/bin

And it would be a good  to not get

“emerge-2017Jan.pkg” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
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