[MacTUG] Using installinstallmacos.py to download macOS High Sierra installers | Der Flounder

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 28 11:08:35 EST 2018

Starting with macOS Sierra, Apple moved the macOS Installer applications 
from being exclusively an App Store download to now being included in 
the regular Software Update catalogs. This means that it’s possible to 
download macOS installers, including those for macOS betas or 
hardware-specific macOS builds, using the command-line softwareupdate tool.

To assist with this task, Greg Neagle has written a Python script named 
installinstallmacos.py. installinstallmacos.py is designed to do the 

1. Parse a specified Software Update feed.
2. Identify the listed products which appear to be macOS installers.
3. Display a menu of the available choices.

Once you’ve selected from the available options, the script does the 

4. Creates a disk image and names it with the appropriate information 
for the specified macOS installer.
5. Mounts the disk image.
6. Downloads all the relevant packages from the Software Update feed for 
the specified macOS installer.
7. Installs the packages onto the disk image.
8. Unmounts the disk image.
9. Stores the disk image in the current working directory (this is 
likely going to be the logged-in user’s home folder.)


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