[MacTUG] Google Maps temporarily disabled – August 1

Darren Bondy dmbondy at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Aug 1 11:49:19 EDT 2018

What is happening? The Google map that appears when you enter a location in the Events and Services content types in the WCMS is being temporarily disabled due to a change to Google’s custom map policy. IST is currently working on a permanent replacement and will inform the campus community when it is implemented.

What is the impact? Any locations added to Events or Services will no longer display a map in the WCMS. The address will remain in place.

What can you do?  If it is essential that you have a map included in your Event or Service page, you can embed a Google map into the WYSIWYG editor. For instructions on how to embed a Google map, please see our Web Resources site: https://uwaterloo.ca/web-resources/wcms-users/training-and-support/wcms-how-documents/embed-google-map

·         Note: If you embed a map, please ensure that you remove it when the map feature is restored.

Questions or concerns? Please submit to rt-ist-wcms at rt.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:rt-ist-wcms at rt.uwaterloo.ca> or the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca>, ext. 44357.

Recipients of this message:  uwweb, isthd, faccus, ist-staff, admin-support, ctsc, ucist, mactug, SSO, FEDS, Bulletin

Darren Bondy
Information Systems and Technology
(519)888-4567 x49525
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

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