[MacTUG] Meeting times

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 12 15:57:28 EDT 2018

I had hoped to have this email out sooner. Anyway, here goes.

Last meeting, we had a discussion about streamlining our meeting because 
I had gotten feedback that our meeting may be too long for people who 
want to come.

Here are some points from the discussion. The meeting:
* starts at 9:15 (see Dani's email about where in DC)
* will have round table upto 10:30
* from 10:30 to 11 feel free to have longer or just conversations about 
anything that came up in the round table
* if you need to leave, feel free to do that at anytime.

Hopefully, this will give more people the incentive to come to the meeting.


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