[MacTUG] Apple’s iOS 11.0.1 update addresses Exchange e-mail server issue | Ars Technica

Mike Patterson mpatterson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Sep 26 16:35:02 EDT 2017

Sadly, for those of us who prefer Mail, it doesn't seem to fix shared accounts on mailservices.

Symptom: shows mailboxes, inboxes etc, but all greyed out. Folder counts update correctly, just... no ability to select. Can send mails just ducky though. Not really a problem for I think almost all of our userbase, and not *really* a problem for me (Outlook works, ironically enough) but... I like Mail better than Outlook. :)


Mike Patterson - Manager, Information Security Operations
Information Security Services, University of Waterloo
+1 519-888-4567, x47178 / mike.patterson at uwaterloo.ca
Security Operations Centre x41125 / soc at uwaterloo.ca

> On Sep 26, 2017, at 16:28, Glenn Anderson <anderson at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>> https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/09/apples-ios-11-0-1-update-addresses-exchange-e-mail-server-issue/
>> Apple’s iOS 11.0.1 update addresses Exchange e-mail server issue
>> A fix for the Exchange e-mail bug is included.
>> Samuel Axon - 9/26/2017, 2:16 PM
>> Apple has released a small software update for iPhones and iPads today. iOS 11.0.1 "includes bug fixes and improvements for your iPhone and iPad," but the short note provided to iOS users when they update doesn't specify which fixes or improvements they can expect.
>> However, Apple has claimed in its support documentation that one of the most jarring problems with last week's iOS 11 release is addressed by this update: the Exchange e-mail server bug that prevented sending e-mails for many users relying on e-mail accounts hosted on Outlook.com, Office 365, or certain Exchange Server 2016 configurations. Users received an error message saying, "Cannot Send Mail. The message was rejected by the server."
>> The support documentation no longer says that a fix is coming; instead, it says you'll experience the issue "until you update to iOS 11.0.1." Given the popularity of Microsoft's servers, this was a serious issue that impacted a lot of people. Apple claims it is now resolved.
>> There are other complaints people have had about iOS 11 that you should not expect to be addressed here, though. As we reported, the fact that the Control Center Bluetooth and Wi-Fi controls only disconnect current connections and prevent new ones (rather than turning off the wireless hardware) was an intended change by Apple. We're not expecting that to be addressed by this update.
>> Listing image by Andrew Cunningham
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