[MacTUG] New service announcement: Qualtrics survey system

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Oct 23 09:09:35 EDT 2017

Qualtrics survey system now available for campus
A message from Information Systems & Technology
IST is pleased to announce the launch of Qualtrics, a powerful online enterprise-class survey system, to support the needs of our campus community with respect to secure, confidential surveys for all use-cases.

Features of this new service include:

*         Create questionnaires from scratch or using pre-made questionnaires.

*         Access to a vast library of question types and response options.

*         Ability to produce and edit detailed reports and export to multiple formats.

*         Data is stored and backed up in a Canadian data centre.

*         File upload add-on: additional feature allows respondents to upload files with their survey response(s).

This service is available for all staff, faculty and graduate students. To create an account:

1.       Visit https://uwaterloo.qualtrics.com.

2.       Log in using valid Nexus/WatIAM userid and password.

3.       Select "I don't have a Qualtrics account" to get started.

4.       Set the correct time zone for your Qualtrics account: Profile (icon in top right corner ) > Account Settings > User Settings > Change Time Zone > select "(GMT -05:00) Eastern time (US & Canada)"

More information about this service is available at https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/qualtrics-online-surveys.

Recipients of this message: ist-staff, isthd, faccus, admin-support, ucist, ctsc, mactug

Natasha Jennings
Communications Officer
Information Systems & Technology (IST)
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 47951

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