[MacTUG] Announcing the new IST newsletter

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 12 10:08:34 EDT 2017

Stay connected with the IST Newsletter
Information technology is constantly evolving, and staying informed of the latest IT services, terms, and technology can feel overwhelming. Information Systems & Technology (IST) has launched a new, term-based newsletter<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/> that will highlight campus tech news and services, and help keep you in the know.

Don’t miss an issue! Subscribe to the IST Newsletter<http://eepurl.com/cZ8_gv> to have future issues delivered to your inbox and be entered to win a $25 gift card to Starbucks or Tim Horton’s.

There will be a total of three chances to win (i.e. fall 2017 issue, winter 2018 issue, and spring 2018 issue). Contest winners will be contacted directly by IST Communications

Keep up to date with the latest news and initiatives going on in IST.
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IST Newsletter

October 2017

Letter from the CIO

[Fall leaves]<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/fall-2017/feature/ist-newsletter>

Welcome to the first issue of our new e-newsletter, to be published each term. We hope you enjoy this new way to keep you informed of exciting and topical news from Information Systems & Technology (IST).<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/fall-2017/feature/ist-newsletter>

Inside fall 2017

[Keyboard with 'Help' key]<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/fall-2017/feature/new-campus-dont-stress-it>

New to campus? Don't stress IT<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/fall-2017/feature/new-campus-dont-stress-it>

Learn more about the IT services available to you on campus and where you can find us when you need a hand.


The tech behind teaching and learning<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/fall-2017/feature/tech-behind-teaching-and-learning>

An overview of teaching and learning spaces on campus.


Defense in Layers<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/fall-2017/feature/defense-layers>

IST planning rollout of multi-factor authentication.


What's happening in IST<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-newsletter/fall-2017/feature/whats-happening-ist>

New services, helpful resources, and more! Keep up to date with the latest IST news and initiatives.



Friday Morning seminar: TLS Certificates <https://uwaterloo.ca/it-professional-development-advisory-group/professional-development-seminars>
MC2009 <https://uwaterloo.ca/it-professional-development-advisory-group/professional-development-seminars>


Portal Hackfest Kickoff <https://uwaterloo.ca/student-portal/events/portal-hackfest-kickoff>
MC4064 <https://uwaterloo.ca/student-portal/events/portal-hackfest-kickoff>


WatITis Conference <https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis/>
Science Teaching Complex <https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis/>

Subscribe to the IST newsletter
Keep up to date with the lastest news and events happening in IST <http://eepurl.com/cZ8_gv>


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