[MacTUG] mailer of choice on mac

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 20 14:11:36 EST 2017

Hi Reg,

I prefer Thunderbird for me email because:
* it saves emails in a format that I don't need a dedicated email client to see, if the 'company' ever goes out of business
* I can see headers
* I can set the display of emails to a fine degree
* I don't really like mail and hate outlook for lack of the above.

Having said that I don't use my email client for calendaring.


On Nov 20, 2017, at 1:11 PM, Reg Leland <rleland at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

hi folks,
just wondering what everyone is using or prefers as an email Client on Mac?
Macmail, Outlook, Thunderbird, other?

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