Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 29 12:01:25 EDT 2017

Thanks, Dawn. I have CC’d Barb and Mark on this (in case they are not on mactug).

While I am interested in where we are with VPP, I am particularly interested in DEP (Device Enrolment Program -- http://www.apple.com/business/dep/  & http://images.apple.com/business/docs/DEP_Guide.pdf ). It would be nice if we were using DEP now (as it would allow our macs to become reasonably configured out of the box)

DEP may become even more important as it looks it may become tightly integrated into our deployment techniques. The website Deflounder has a great explanation<https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/imaging-will-be-dead-soon-ish/> (for those that have not seen it) of how our traditional imaging model may become obsolete. Apple is creating a new file system (Apple File System or APFS) that will replace the current HFS+. It has a lot of great features – geared towards flash drives, better encryption, snapshots, etc. APSF is currently in use on its iOS devices, and a stripped-down form is a formatting option Mac OS Sierra, but it is not the default file system as of yet for any version of MacOS. The downside is that is sounds like ASR (apple software restore) – which most Mac imaging solutions are built on – is not in APFS nor will a replacement be. That means we might be moving away from the “nuke and image” model where we do not wipe the Mac but merely add software to this device. In this scenario,  DEP and MDM (Mobile Device Management, aka, Mobile Config Profiles) become more important.

But for us to start playing more with DEP we need to know who ‘had the keys last’, as Apple only wants one DEP and VPP arrangement per campus. (And no I am not trying to ‘grab the keys’, as we need a centralized solution for this that works for everyone.  I am willing to contact Apple to start talking DEP, but I thought I would at least try to figure out where we are currently at with this and how it has been used.



Donald Duff-McCracken

Technical Services Manager

Mapping, Analysis & Design

Faculty of Environment

University of Waterloo

(519) 888-4567 x32151



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On 2017-03-29, 10:39 AM, "mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca on behalf of Dawn Keenan" <mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca on behalf of dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

    Back in 2014, Phil Hume and Rob Roy came to campus to talk about the

    VPP. One person per institution is enrolled as the Agent, who can assign

    the Administrator role to others without limit. I have a vague

    recollection that DEP has similar capabilities/constraints.

    I recall Barb Yantha using a volume purchase when setting up some

    software purchases for the Stratford campus. I don't know whether that

    was through IST or if we claimed the VPP role for the campus.


    On 3/29/17 10:03 AM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:

    > Sorry. This message sent before content was added.



    > At the CTSC meeting this week, I can bring up the issues we are having and I just wanted at bit more on the backstory.


    > My understanding of the DEP issue is that there can only be one per campus and someone has grabbed it. Is there any more to this story?


    > What is the VPP story?


    > The more info I can get about this the better.


    > Sent from my iPhone


    >> On Mar 29, 2017, at 9:30 AM, Donald Duff-McCracken <dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:




    >> Sent from my iPhone

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    Dawn Keenan

    IT Director, Arts Computing Office, University of Waterloo

    dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca

    519-888-4567 x32157

    PAS 2081A


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    MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca


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