[MacTUG] How to install the MacOS apps Apple doesn't want you to - CNET

m3griffi m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Mar 24 11:23:50 EDT 2017

Method 2: Bring back the 'anywhere' checkbox

     First make sure the System Preferences menu is closed for now.
     Open the Terminal app either by using Spotlight search and typing 
terminal, or by going to the Applications/Utilities/ folder.
     Enter the following command syntax (or just cut and paste this 
one): sudo spctl --master-disable
     Hit the Enter/Return key.
     Authenticate your choice by entering the admin password (see 
screenshot below), then hit enter. (Note: this password entry can be a 
little funky, as the characters may not show up as you type -- just go 
with it.)
     Now, when you return to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > 
General, the "anywhere" checkbox option will be back where it was in OS X.
     To change it back, repeat the steps and type sudo spctl --master-enable


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