[MacTUG] Open-source NoMAD App Frees the Apple World from Active Directory Binding - Trusource Labs

m3griffi m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jul 31 09:32:32 EDT 2017

This looks worth investigating. From a macadmin conf vid.

NoMAD, a macOS app developed by Joel Rennich and supported by Trusource 
Labs’ Apple Help Desk Team, allows companies the functionality of Active 
Directory (AD), including:

     Getting Kerberos credentials from AD to use for single sign on for 
all services using Windows Authentication.
     Automatically renewing your Kerberos tickets based on your desires.
     A lock screen menu item.
     Getting an X509 identity from your Windows CA.
     One-click access to Casper and other self-service applications if 
     One-click access to creating a Bomgar chat session with a help desk 
operative, and other support options.
     Allowing Admins to push one-line CLI commands that show up as a 
menu item in NoMAD.
     Allowing Admins to specify LDAP servers to use instead of looking 
them up via SRV records.
     Syncing your AD password to your local account, including keeping 
the user’s local keychain and FileVault passwords in sync.
     Warning Users about impending password expirations.
     Single sign on access to the user’s Windows home directory.
     Fully AD site aware.
     Scripts that can be triggered on network change and sign in.
     Enabling Admins to specify alternate methods of changing passwords 
without using AD such as through password change portals.
     Better yet, the app is open-source and can be downloaded at 

“The best fit for NoMAD are really companies that have employees on the 
go and want all the security benefits of AD without the negatives,” 
Rennich, General Manager of Sales and Apple Help Desk Development, at 
Trusource Labs said.

While the App is free and is ready to be used in most Apple-user 
environments, some companies might want custom configuration for their 
unique IT environments. Rennich says Trusource Labs is able to meet 
those needs through further development of the App’s code.


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