[MacTUG] Generating printer configurations using payload-free_package_printer_generator.sh | Der Flounder

m3griffi m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 19 09:43:32 EDT 2017

The discussion got me started thinking about the problem of printer 
deployments and ways to solve it that could work for the vast majority 
of deployment solutions. After some research and testing, I’ve developed 
a solution that may work for most deployment needs. For more details, 
see below the jump.

My solution was to build a script named 
payload-free_package_printer_generator.sh, which does three tasks:

     Accept printer configuration input.
     Use that input to generate a script which uses the lpadmin tool to 
create printers with the provided configuration information.
     Generate a payload-free package to run the script.


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