[MacTUG] Using FileVault 2 recovery keys on FileVault 2-encrypted Macs to provide access for local admins | Der Flounder

Mike Patterson mpatterson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Feb 24 10:18:06 EST 2017

A key sentence jumped out at me:
"Fortunately, for those Mac admins who have a way to capture and escrow FileVault 2 personal recovery keys"

How *are* folks here doing escrow for FV2 keys?


Mike Patterson - Manager, Information Security Operations
Information Security Services, University of Waterloo
+1 519-888-4567, x47178 / mike.patterson at uwaterloo.ca
Security Operations Centre x41125 / soc at uwaterloo.ca

> On Feb 24, 2017, at 09:53, m3griffi <m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> For those who don't follow derflounder.
> https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2017/02/23/using-filevault-2-recovery-keys-on-filevault-2-encrypted-macs-to-provide-access-for-local-admins/
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