[MacTUG] Announcing the IST Strategic Plan, 2017-2020

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Dec 6 09:31:27 EST 2017

The following will be published in today’s Daily Bulletin…

In 2016, IST embarked on a strategic planning process that was guided by key questions about who we are as a department, the work that we do, improvements that can be made, and how we measure our success. The process included an important engagement and consultative period that helped to focus our efforts into five themes, and defined the strategy of the plan.

The work of the plan, specific IT projects and initiatives that must happen for us to achieve our strategy, was then organized under five areas for action. Under each area for action is a report outlining the details of this strategic work, which is being pulled dynamically from the Project and Portfolio Management tool, TeamDynamix. It will be the successful completion of this work, as well as our inflight and operational efforts, that will culminate in the achievement of our strategic goal – Together we deliver.

We invite you to review the plan in detail on the IST Strategic Plan website<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology-strategic-plan>, and welcome any questions or feedback you may have.

Recipients of this message: ist-staff, isthd, faccus, admin-support, ucist, ctsc, mactug

Natasha Jennings
Communications Officer
Information Systems & Technology (IST)
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 47951

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