[MacTUG] Disabling iCloud and Diagnostics (probably should add in Siri)

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 29 12:20:37 EDT 2017

# Determine OS version

osvers=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $2}')

sw_vers=$(sw_vers -productVersion)

# Determine OS build number

sw_build=$(sw_vers -buildVersion)

# Set whether you want to send diagnostic info back to

# Apple and/or third party app developers. If you want

# to send diagonostic data to Apple, set the following

# value for the SUBMIT_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_TO_APPLE value:




# If you want to send data to third party app developers,

# set the following value for the





# By default, the values in this script are set to

# send no diagnostic data:



# To change this in your own script, comment out the FALSE

# lines and uncomment the TRUE lines as appropriate.

# Checks first to see if the Mac is running 10.10.0 or higher.

# If so, the desired diagnostic submission settings are applied.

if [[ ${osvers} -ge 10 ]]; then

  CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT="/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter"

  if [ ! -d "${CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT}" ]; then


    chmod 775 "${CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT}"

    chown root:admin "${CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT}"


 /usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory AutoSubmit -boolean ${SUBMIT_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_TO_APPLE}

 /usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory AutoSubmitVersion -int 4

 /usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory ThirdPartyDataSubmit -boolean ${SUBMIT_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_TO_APP_DEVELOPERS}

 /usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory ThirdPartyDataSubmitVersion -int 4

 /bin/chmod a+r "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist

 /usr/sbin/chown root:admin "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist


# Checks first to see if the Mac is running 10.7.0 or higher.

# If so, the script checks the system default user template

# for the presence of the Library/Preferences directory. Once

# found, the iCloud and Diagnostic pop-up settings are set

# to be disabled.

if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then

   USER_TEMPLATE="/System/Library/User Template/Non_localized"

   /usr/bin/defaults write "$USER_TEMPLATE"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant DidSeeCloudSetup -bool TRUE

   /usr/bin/defaults write "$USER_TEMPLATE"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant GestureMovieSeen none

   /usr/bin/defaults write "$USER_TEMPLATE"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant LastSeenCloudProductVersion "${sw_vers}"

   /usr/bin/defaults write "$USER_TEMPLATE"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant LastSeenBuddyBuildVersion "${sw_build}"

   # same for our account

   /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/admin/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant DidSeeCloudSetup -bool TRUE

   /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/admin/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant GestureMovieSeen none

   /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/admin/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant LastSeenCloudProductVersion "${sw_vers}"

   /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/admin/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant LastSeenBuddyBuildVersion "${sw_build}"

   chown admin /Users/admin/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant.plist

   chmod 666 /Users/admin/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant.plist


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