[MacTUG] Configuring Firefox for Lab Deployment using CCK2

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 4 15:11:31 EDT 2017

These notes are for me but if anyone is interested I am using this cool firefox plugin called CCK2 https://mike.kaply.com/cck2/ to customize my firefox lab distribution to do a few things (homepage and bookmark)

Basically I used to do all this using the User Template and I want to move away from that, using Profiles when I can and other solutions such as CCK2.

To use CCK2, install the plugin and then run through it.

·         It does require an identifier and version number so take the file that it generates. I used the reverse url format

·         It creates an autoconfig.zip file. The instructions are pretty windows-centric but in the JAMF forums it gives an idea what to do https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/12720/fyi-firefox-34-0-5-and-cck-2-autoconfig-files

·         The autoconfig.zip file contains a few things that need to get stashed in the Firefox directory:

o    "cck2.cfg" file and the "cck2" directory should be placed in /Firefox/Contents/Resources/ (note in the above link the directory in question is not called CCK2 but “distribution”)

o    The "defaults/prefs/autoconfig.js" file in  /Firefox/Contents/Resources/defaults/pref/

The files it generates are easy to understand (in fact I will probably just manually modify them if I need to add a bookmark etc) but getting the syntax right in the first place would have been time consuming. I have made a small package (using Packages.app) that sticks these files in the right place in Firefox. I have made this a separate package as I want to be able to run this after I have installed the latest version of firefox. Decoupling it from the install of the app gives me a bit more flexibility and only adds one more item in my workflow (and eventually my task sequence)

I can send this package to anyone that is interested and they can modify the above files as this wish

Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151
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