[MacTUG] iCloud Desktop and Documents in macOS Sierra – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly | Der Flounder

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Sep 26 11:11:50 EDT 2016

The Ugly

At this point in my testing, I decided that iCloud Desktop and Documents
was interesting but because of storage limitations, it just wasn’t going
to work well for me unless I paid Apple far more money for storage than
I wanted to.

When you turn off the Desktop & Documents Folder feature in iCloud,
Sierra recreates empty Desktop and Documents folders in your home
folder. It’s on you to copy or move your files back from iCloud Drive.

However, that assumes that all of your files and folders made it to
iCloud in the first place. What if they didn’t? Hopefully they can still
be found in the Desktop and Documents folders in ~/Library/Mobile

If they’re not, hope you had other backups because those files and
folders may just be completely gone.


Based on the results of my testing, I have no plans for enabling iCloud
Desktop and Documents syncing on any of my Macs for the foreseeable
future. Leaving aside that Apple isn’t offering enough storage space at
prices I want to pay, the results I saw from my testing of the
synchronization process did not inspire my trust in it.


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