[MacTUG] FYI - OS X Sierra installer auto-downloading

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Oct 5 13:34:59 EDT 2016

Hey Don,

derflounder has an article about disabling this feature through the gui and cli. Still a challenge for user owned macs.


On 10/05/2016 01:23 PM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:
> The darned thing just showed up in my Applications folder (5GB)! As I am running on an SSD that is not that huge (500GB) I don’t appreciate it being there. It will be a great thing to check for when SSD equipped Macbooks start arriving without sufficient disk space.
> Additionally I would imagine users with tiny data plans being quite annoyed by this.
> ------------------------------------
> Donald Duff-McCracken
> Technical Services Manager
> Mapping, Analysis & Design
> Faculty of Environment
> University of Waterloo
> (519) 888-4567 x32151
> https://uwaterloo.ca/environment-computing/about/people
> ------------------------------------
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> On 2016-10-04, 4:39 PM, "mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca on behalf of Glenn Anderson" <mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca on behalf of anderson at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>     MacOS Sierra is now auto-downloading the Sierra installer, but the user still has to choose to do the update.
>     Glenn Anderson
>     IST
>     anderson at uwaterloo.ca
>     519-888-4567 x43327
>     EC2 - 2019
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