[MacTUG] Don's observation about downloading mac os x software installs with Apple IDs

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Mar 4 11:42:07 EST 2016

Disregard. I was making an email backup of Don's comment

On 03/04/2016 11:41 AM, Marlon A. Griffith wrote:
> To be on the safe side, I just re-downloaded all of the recent OSes, but did not see Maverick under the purchased tab. I realized I must have used some other AppleID to initially download Maverick but thought I would just grab a copy from the store with the AppleID was currently logged in with. Nope! I was reminded that apple will let users of old packages redownload, but it will prevent new downloads (versus re-downloads) of old applications and Oses.
> Moral of the story, always download an apple app or OS before it is delisted or you will never be able to. If you think you are going to need an apple app or download in the future, grab it!
> BTW, I used the correct AppleID to download a fresh copy of Maverick.
> Donald Duff-McCracken

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