[MacTUG] murus firewall: a nice front end for PF

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jun 10 13:59:04 EDT 2016

A nice feature of Murus is that before implementing changes to the firewall it asks you if you are connected remotely. If you are it then temporarily implements the changes and you have (a user configurable) period of time to click a “Confirm” button — sort of like how monitor resolution changes require you to hit a Confirm button. If you do not click the confirm button in the specified period of time the settings revert to the previous ones. S it is pretty hard to accidentally loose your remote connection because of the firewall changes — I have had that happen to me a few times, where I tweak a firewall on a computer I am remotely connected to and then I need to get up WALK to the computer to dial down an overly aggressive firewall setting! ;-)
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