[MacTUG] System Integrity Protection – Adding another layer to Apple’s security model | Der Flounder

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 13 11:25:41 EDT 2015

SIP does not seem to be getting in my way (knock on wood) so far with my tests using DeployStudio installing apps and custom made packages and they seem to be fine. I have test deployed a complete lab install (via deploy studio) with El Capitan and the only part of the deploystudio  process that it does not seem to be happy with is part of the workflow that joins it my Yosemite profile manager.

The weird thing is that if I do not add the profile manager process to the deploy studio workflow, and then manually connect the mac to the profile manager (via the webpage interface), everything is fine.

Most weird. At any rate I am happy that the packages that I have built that do tweaks like adding files to /System/Library (which I thought would have been an issue) are not problematic. I still need to track down the Profile Manager issue.

On Oct 13, 2015, at 10:24 AM, Marlon A. Griffith <m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca>> wrote:
As part of the release of OS X El Capitan, Apple has added a new layer named System Integrity Protection (SIP) to its security model. To understand how System Integrity Protection fits in, let’s first take a look at Apple’s security model as it existed as of OS X Yosemite.
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