[MacTUG] Installing Joyent’s pkgsrc package manager on OS X | Der Flounder

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 1 12:27:55 EDT 2015

Hey Dani,

This might fix your homebrew perms issues.

All have their good points and bad points, but my colleague Tom Bridge pointed me in the direction of Joyent’s pkgsrc and this one may be my go-to going forward.

pkgsrc has the following strengths:

     Easy to install
     Works on multiple Unix-based platforms
     Installs its software all within one dedicated location (/opt/pkg)
     Does not require the creation of dedicated local user accounts
     Installs software with root privileges

That last point was important to me because Homebrew doesn’t do that. Instead, Homebrew installs software with the ownership set to be the user who ran the installation command.

That characteristic of Homebrew has always made me crazy, but I freely admit that’s my own personal peeve. As with many things, I’m not going to tell folks what package manager to use if their choice is working well for them.

To aid with the installation of pkgsrc on OS X, I’ve written a script. For more details, see below the jump.


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