[MacTUG] Notices for upcoming telephone maintenance - 3 important dates to note

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Mon May 25 15:04:44 EDT 2015

Upcoming telephone system maintenance - Wednesday, May 27 (after hours)

What is happening? The University's telephone service contractor will be conducting work to prepare for a significant upgrade to the campus telephone system scheduled for June 26-28.

When is this happening? Wednesday, May 27 between 7:30 and 9:00 p.m.

Why is it being done? There is a significant upgrade to the campus telephone system planned for June 26-28. In preparation for this upgrade, components that provide service for IP-based phones, the central fax service and Lync to non-Lync calls will be removed for off-site re-programming. Support for these services will moved to other installed components until the final upgrade at the end of June.

What is the impact? An outage lasting approximately 45 minutes will be experienced for those using IP-based phones and the central fax service. Lync calls to non-Lync phone numbers will not be possible during the outage.

Upcoming telephone system maintenance - Saturday, May 30

What is happening? The University's telephone service contractor will be conducting work to prepare for a significant upgrade to the campus telephone system scheduled for June 26-28.

When is this happening? Saturday, May 30 between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Why is it being done? There is a significant upgrade to the campus telephone system planned for June 26-28. In preparation for this upgrade, the current housing for half of the digital/traditional phones needs to be updated. The nature and extent of the work involved is such that it cannot be conducted during the June 26-28 upgrade.

What is the impact?  There will be a 45-60 minute telephone outage for many digital/traditional phone lines on campus. There will be a series of outages between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. with each outage affecting approximately 250 phones. Other telephone services such as CallPilot voicemail, Speech Attendant, Fax and Lync will NOT be affected.

Upcoming telephone system maintenance - Friday, June 26 to Sunday, June 28
What is happening? The campus telephone equipment installed in January 1997<http://www.bulletin.uwaterloo.ca/1997/jan/24fr.html> will be replaced over the course of the weekend.
When is this happening? Friday, June 26 starting at 5:00 p.m. through to the afternoon of Sunday June 28.
What is the impact? This is a significant outage and there will be times when no phone service is available. While it is expected that there will be partial/intermittent phone service for much of the weekend, once the work commences, there are no guarantees of phone service (dial tone) until the work is completed.
Why is it being done? The existing equipment is becoming difficult to maintain and support and all phones on campus rely on service from one physical location. The new equipment will ensure that we are on a supported path with the vendor (Avaya) and will reduce the dependency on the main campus telephone room by providing fully redundant services for IP-based phones (traditional/digital phones still rely on copper wiring that terminates in the main telephone room).
Note: Details of this work will be confirmed as the maintenance window approaches.

Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca> or ext. 44357.

Recipients of this message: isthd, ist-staff, admin-support, faccus, mactug, ctsc, ucist

Natasha Jennings
Communications Officer
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 47951

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