[MacTUG] SafariFullScreen but not "Full Screen"

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 7 15:14:25 EDT 2015

Will pointed out this about Yosemite:

>From https://support.apple.com/kb/PH18785

Expand a window: Double-click an app’s title bar to expand the app window to fill the space between the Dock<https://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=link&apdid=mchl8ac6483e&viewlocale=en_US&bookId=Mac%20Help135122> and the menu bar<https://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=link&apdid=mchl385f1eea&viewlocale=en_US&bookId=Mac%20Help135122>. If the Dock is on the side of your screen, the window expands to fill the space below the menu bar and to the side of the Dock. You can also Option-click the green full-screen button in the top-left corner of an app window.

Strangely for me under 10.8 option-clicking the green button also resizes other Safari windows.
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