[MacTUG] Introducing the IST Service Desk

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 16 13:27:25 EDT 2015

What is happening? We're bidding a fond farewell to the name "CHIP", transitioning to "IST Service Desk".

Why is this happening? The CHIP name was representative of the physical space it held in MC for so many years. Relocating the service desk to East Campus 2 (EC2) prompted us to reconsider the name associated with this service and provided an ideal opportunity to make this change. Our new name reflects our focus on client service and more clearly articulates what we do, connecting and strengthening the identity of the service desks across campus.

How does this impact you? Please update your resources (e.g. website, communication templates) replacing references to "CHIP" with "IST Service Desk".

Questions or concerns? Contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca> or ext. 84357.

Recipients of this message:  uwweb, isthd, faccus, ist-staff, admin-support, ctsc, ucist, mactug, MSC, SSO, Bulletin

Natasha Jennings
Communications Officer
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 47951

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