[MacTUG] Mac Experts Weigh In: OS X Quality is Declining - The Mac Observer

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 28 09:39:26 EST 2015

3. Iljitsch van Beijnum. "Why DNS in OS X 10.10 is broken, and what you
can do to fix it." He writes:

     For 12 years, the mDNSResponder service managed a surprisingly
large part of our Mac's networking, and it managed this task well. But
as of OS X 10.10, the mDNSResponder has been replaced with discoveryd,
which does the same thing. Mostly.

Mr. van Beijnum goes on to describe the networking problems he's had
since installing OS X 10.10.  They may also relate to the following...


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