[MacTUG] Some Apple Thunderbolt displays launching DDoS on wired LAN users | MacNN

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Feb 13 10:09:19 EST 2015

Malware not suspected, flaw in driver or buffer likely the culprit

Some Apple Thunderbolt displays either in line with a Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter or connected through the wired Ethernet port on the display seem to be flooding networks periodically with junk packets. A series of user submitted threads on the Apple customer self-support forums are demonstrating that periodically, a Thunderbolt display manifesting the issue is broadcasting 800mbit/s of data to every port in the local area network, effectively knocking fast Ethernet (100mbit/s) users off the network in an inadvertent denial of service attack launched by the display.


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