[MacTUG] Final Mac OS X cli Printer setup

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 5 12:32:16 EST 2015

Cool Ed.

What does the kerberos opPolicy do? It might help me understand kerberos' place in this process.


On 02/05/2015 12:24 PM, Edward Chrzanowski wrote:
> We had this for one of our printers:
> lpadmin -p rs-public-mc3009-colour \
>               -D "rs-public-mc3009-colour" \
>               -L "MC 3009 - Colour Printing Only" \
>               -E \
>               -v smb://lydia.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/rs-public-mc3009-colour \
>               -P "/tmp/macprint/ppd/rs-public-mc3009-colour.ppd" \
>               -o Option16=True \
>               -o printer-is-shared=false \
>               -o State=Idle \
>               -o Accepting=Yes \
>               -o OpPolicy=kerberos
>               -o ErrorPolicy=abort-job
> _______________________________________
> From: mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca [mactug-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca] on behalf of Marlon A. Griffith [m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 11:45 AM
> To: macTug; Mike Hurst
> Subject: [MacTUG] Final Mac OS X cli Printer setup
> Hopefully!
> With the last tidbit provided by James, Here is a cli string that will setup a printer and allow the user to samba print, with an authentication prompt. It was tested on 10.8.5.
> Exmaple:
> # To my department's b&w printer using a generic ppd; for details, http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/MAG/CliPrinterSetup
> # With negotiate, you will be prompted for your AD userid and password, and you don't require the system to know your Kerberos domain
>       lpadmin -p eng_engcomp -D "Eng comp laserjet test 2" -L "Engineering Computing" -E \
>        -v smb://eng-serve.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/eng_engcomp  -m 'drv:///sample.drv/generic.ppd' \
>        -o HPOption_Duplexer=True -o printer-is-shared=false -o auth-info-required=negotiate
> Marlon x38146
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