[MacTUG] SafariFullScreen but not "Full Screen"

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 30 16:55:20 EDT 2015

This seems to work after much tweaking.

Now I need help to compile it to work on older operating systems. Help appreciated.

% swift main.swift

ID is 418876289

dspyCnt is 1

currentDisplay is 418876289

CGDisplayPixelsHigh(currentDisplay) is 1080

CGDisplayPixelsWide(currentDisplay) is 1920

% swiftc main.swift  -o main

<unknown>:0: error: cannot load underlying module for 'CoreGraphics'

<unknown>:0: note: did you forget to set an SDK using -sdk or SDKROOT?

<unknown>:0: note: use "xcrun -sdk macosx swift" to select the default OS X SDK installed with Xcode

----------------------------- main.swift -----------------------------

import Foundation

import CoreGraphics

var mainID = CGMainDisplayID()

println("ID is \(mainID)")

var dErr: CGError

let maxDisplays: UInt32 = 16

var onlineDspys: [CGDirectDisplayID] = [mainID]

var dspyCnt: UInt32 = 0

dErr = CGGetOnlineDisplayList(maxDisplays, &onlineDspys, &dspyCnt)

println("dspyCnt is \(dspyCnt)")

for currentDisplay in onlineDspys {

  println("currentDisplay is \(currentDisplay)")

  println("CGDisplayPixelsHigh(currentDisplay) is \(CGDisplayPixelsHigh(currentDisplay))")

  println("CGDisplayPixelsWide(currentDisplay) is \(CGDisplayPixelsWide(currentDisplay))")


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