[MacTUG] Bash vulnerability 'Shellshock' affects Linux, OS X systems | Electronista

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Sep 25 10:18:43 EDT 2014

A new bug may have a greater potential for harm than April's Heartbleed vulnerability, according to reports. The "Shellshock" vulnerability in Bash, a Unix shell typically used in Linux systems as well as in OS X, apparently allows for code held in environment variables to be executed within the shell as soon as it is invoked, potentially allowing for the control of affected systems to be taken over by another user.

Apple has yet to issue a patch or guidance regarding Shellshock, though The Verge notes a user on Stack Exchange has explained how OS X users can test to see if they are vulnerable, and for advanced users, how to patch Bash.


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