[MacTUG] OSQuery: Explore your OS with SQL

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Oct 31 11:07:34 EDT 2014

I won’t regurgitate their announcement post – for implementation details see there. In a nutshell, OSQuery pretends to be a relational database and contains some “tables” (tables in quotes because they don’t actually exist as tables you’re used to in, for example, MySQL) which expose the OS data in a manner that makes it queryable by SQL statements (yes, including joins and the whole lot!).

If you ever ran into a situation where you couldn’t run Apache because a port was already taken and you had to go and grep the process list, only to find out a dead instance of Skype is hogging port 80, you’ll know to appreciate the simplicity of OSQuery.

OSQuery works on CentOS, Ubuntu, and OS X, thus supporting your production servers, your development playbox, and the operating systems of any other machine you have access to, like your children’s or your employees’s – allowing you to use it to monitor the OS status of your entire ecosystem. It’s fully open source, and there’s even a guide on creating your own tables, in case some are missing and you need them. The team is adding new tables regularly, so even if you don’t feel like contributing but still want to use some missing ones, there’s a high chance they’ll pop up if you give it some time.

The software is installed via (currently) self-built packages for all supported operating systems, and comes with osqueryi – an interactive console for playing around with the queries – and osqueryd – a daemon you can schedule to run regularly and aggregate data across monitored machines, for example. The documentation is very good, so conquering every aspect of OSQuery is as simple as dedicating an afternoon to it.


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