[MacTUG] Yosemite update not fixing all Wi-Fi issues, users continue complaints | MacNN

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 18 09:12:48 EST 2014

Most complaints are less specific about affected hardware, complaining that they would see random disconnections, while still sometimes seeing full signal strength. Some users are now solidly connected, but are seeing very slow Wi-Fi speeds, approaching 802.11b speeds rather than 802.11ac or n speed as expected.

OSX Daily has a variety of fixes available, ranging from least to most intrusive. The easiest to perform is a network configuration file deletion, which requires no dabbling in the Terminal app. Other possible fixes are reloading DNS discovery in the terminal, constructing a custom network configuration with specific parameters, all the way up to a clean install of Yosemite rather than an upgrade over an existing Mavericks install. The preferences purge worked temporarily for one MacNN staffer.


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